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Proxy servers are one of the simplest methods of routing through another location. Proxying was the first method that came about that allowed people to route there browsing data through another connection elsewhere in the world, they act as a relay passing data you request along from another machine (the proxy server) and then relay that data back to you, proxy servers usually work in the browser and allow you to simply enter a web address to visit sites via the proxy servers. It's not as secure as VPN's and ToR but it is useful for flooding sites with when you're IP's have been blocked. Proxy servers are rarely managed by a company, a lot of the time its random people who set them up at home as part of some random project and so some of them won't be online for huge periods of time after they appear, for this reason we'll embed proxy servers from a live list of servers that’s regularly updated. Proxy servers are rarely managed by a company, a lot of the time it's random people who set them up at home as part of some random project and so some of them won't be online for long after they appear, for this reson we'll embed proxy servers from a live list of servers

The list of Proxies below is generated by GeoNode.
They are a mix of HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 Proxies, these can be used with Browser Addons and Applications.