-  Help Support Ukraine!
The main feature of this site is to allow anyone on any internet ready device to assist Ukraine by flooding Russian propaganda. Our browser flood tool has been tested not just on computers, but on Smart TV's, Smart Car Dash, Phones, Tablets, Netbooks and any item made with a mini IoT computer such as a raspberry Pi, this means you could even have our flood tool running on something as crazy as a remote control helicopter toy. Below we'll explain what exactly this tool does, how it works and whywe make it.

Flood pre-targeted Russian propaganda & infrastructure by day via our flood tool

Day 899 Day 898 Day 897

as you'll already know, the IT Army of Ukraine puts out a list of targets every day.
These targets are chosen by an intelligence team who look into everything going on in Russia and with the war to determine what would be the most effective place to strike and when.
It's thanks to organised and coordinated attacks like this that we were able to not only take down, but cause permanent damage to the Russian streaming service RuTube, banks funding the invasion and more..
It's the help of individuals like you who make this possible, people who see Ukraine being destroyed, citizen being murdered and new war crimes every day. People want to make a difference, this is how, Join in today and keep Russia's propaganda offline.

Day 896 Day 895 Day 894
Day 893 Day 892 Day 891
Day 890 Day 889 Day 888
Day 887 Day 886 Day 885
Day 884 Day 883 Day 882
--> Today's Script <--

Why are the targets changed so frequently?
Every day we get a new set of Targets to flood, and every day we release a new page to do it easily. Normally a DDoS would last a long time, however for these targets the main goal is to get them offline and move on. That way we can keep as much propaganda down as possible and come back to them as needed. Attacking for just a few hours can be just as effective sometimes, Even if the website is brought down for just a few hours. When the website is down it is trying to catch up to a mass load of requests at once, this causes it to open a ton of processes to queue up, then reply's not only begin to arrive late, but they become fragmented / broken, this will lead to memory leaks, data loss, application errors, and worse.. Especially if mismanaged by their IT Department which appears to often be the case with these Russian services. For a highly detailed explanation on this subject, click the link below to view a Document from the IT Army of Ukraine. WhyDdosMakesSence.PDF

Floods for Each Day, and what are we targeting?

Advertising services 
Specifically in Russia, displaying propaganda content to the public.
Bank's machines (ATM's) 
Part of our attempt to put pressure on Russia's economy, this won't directly affect the Russian people, but it will cause the banks problems.
Belarus Government
The Belarus government are helping Russia in every way they can, they allow there country to be used as a launch pad to attack Ukraine, they ignore their citizens who don't want this war, they transport Russian troops and military equipment into Ukraine and lots more, the list just goes on. They are targeted when the IT Army of Ukraine's intelligence team deems necessary.
Byelorussian railway
They transport a large majority of Russia's arms into Ukraine as well as troops who regally commit war crimes just for fun.
EGAIS (Alcohol Industry)
Don't let these murderers have their alcohol, there are Russian troops wandering around Ukraine in a daze and raping woman and children.
Gas Corporations mainly Gazprom 
Not only is this Russia's biggest economic power, but they use gas as a weapon, cutting off European counters that were dependent on it for supporting Ukraine.
They cut off Finland and Sweden for their application to join NATO and have caused many people to freeze to death in their own homes.
Glonass the satellite map
This satellite service is used by Russian troops, it allows them to see where the Ukrainian military checkpoints are and worse, for this reason alone it is one of our highest priority to ensure this service is down.
Government service desks
Russian service desk workers help the Russian officials manage their computer systems, they handle User Accounts and take care of things like password resets, and they troubleshoot problems with office applications. These people are technicians who enjoy computers, and have more than likely taken up voluntary work in KillNet gathering intelligence and causing damage. It's important to keep them busy with server problems of their own.
KillNet (Rival Hacker Group)
This is a group that does pretty much the same as the IT Army of Ukraine but on the Russian side, most of the time they are flooding polis websites from what I've seen. However they built there a botnet by infecting their own users and families.
Ministry of Trade
The ministry regulates foreign trade, defence and civil industries, metrology, technical standardization, and aviation technology development. Last time they admitted its inability to withstand the attack. It allowed not to mark certain goods as well as to distribute the unmarked goods from April 7th to 8th. Here comes the question - why should it be just a two-day break for the system? We can send it to a proper vacation!
Radical social networks
After popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter pulled out of Russia, hey scrambled to create their own fake re-creations of the sites they got used to. These sites such as Rossgram are now mostly used to spread Russia's radical views of Ukraine and push the war.
Russian Banks
Russian Banks fund the war, they allow the constant stream of missiles, tanks and other advanced weapon systems to be deployed to the Russian military.
Russian Government
They started this war.
Russian telecoms
Russian telecoms not only provide communications to the Russian people but to troops, it's often used to give each other orders and make things advance faster against Ukraine. Ashwell as this they sell VoIP numbers overseas under cover of another VoIP company allowing them to make money off sure.
Steel Plants
Steel plants process the metal that's used to make weapons, ammo, tanks, missiles and lots of other military equipment that's being used in Ukraine for their invasion and war crimes.
TV broadcasting services - These are state TV services hat broadcast propaganda calling Ukrainians Nazis, showing fake footage of Russian troops aiding Ukraine citizens and handing out food when in actual fact they shot dead people lining u to get food after almost starving to death, keep these services flooded so that the Russian people can look elsewhere for news.
These are communication systems used in the Russian military allowing them to coordinate their attacks, gather and share intelligence and more.
Courier services
The courier services in Russia are willingly taking stolen goods sent from inside Ukraine to the Russian soldiers family's and relatives, they raid Ukrainian people's homes and steal everything they want, TV's, Music equipment, Computers, Tools, Food, Prescription Medication, children's toys and what they don't take they smash up for the fun of it.
In the Russian Federation, the use of electronic signatures is regulated by both federal laws and secondary legislation. They verify the authenticity of documents and are legally required in Russian business. Keeping these services down will cause a lot of queued paper work in Russia.
eMail Servers
We flood the eMail servers of Russian companies that support the war as well as send mass real news content to the radical Russians.
Government institutions
These are government institutions that support the war and help push for Russia to further invalid.
Job listing websites
Specifically job listing sites that are being used to advertise positions for Russians together intelligence on Ukraine as well as convince them to join the military and unknowingly go to their deaths.
Large businesses
Large businesses in support of Russia's invasion are an important target due to them having so much power in Russia, the ones we have targeted so far have been found to diversatusing their companies to aid Russia's invasion
Online broadcasting services
Russia's online broadcasting services are being used to spread Putin's fabricated view on the invasion to the Russian people, this turns Russians who might be not too happy about what's happening into radicals who want to push the war further, an example of this would be RuTube, which was used on victory day to broadcast Putin's speech. But on that day so many people wanted to help us shut down the broadcast, we were not only able to cut the broadcast short, but we caused unrecoverable damage to the RuTube servers, so much so that the entire website has to be completely re-created from based on broken databases.
Payment services avoiding sanctions
There are still a few ways that Russia is able to get around sanctions, one of the main ways they do his is with their own bitcoin and ether nodes, with those they can quite literally host there owned currency's based on bitcoin, so these are good targets to flood and prevent them from getting around the sanctions so easily.
Small businesses with radical views
There are a lot of small businesses in Russia that have been radicalised by the fabricated view on the Ukrainian invasion that's put out on TV over there, and a lot of them will take steps to use there company to aid the war however they can, these small businesses that we target have been found to be doing something to actively aid the war for Russia.
State companies
These are Russian businesses managed and funded by the government. Most if not all of them have been aiding Russia's invasion and spreading propaganda.
State news
This is the no#1 cause of Russian radicalisation, There news is always broadcasting there fabricated view on Ukraine to the Russian people, displaying hem as Nazi's, showing Russian troops handing out food and aid when in actual fact they steal everything and kill the civilians.
Tax revenue agency
They charge the Russian people to fund their war and buy weapons that they then use to kill civilians, destroy homes and lives throughout the entire country, devastating millions.