-  Help Support Ukraine! is a website that enables you to support Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression. You can use HelpUKR on any device
to launch automated JavaScript-based attacks on Russian propaganda and infrastructure. The targets are updated daily and kept secret to
avoid Russian retaliation. You can also access a vast archive of information on various aspects of the conflict. Our goal is to defend Ukraine
from Putin’s violence and war crimes, which have killed over 40 thousand civilians and displaced 20 million people since February 2022.
Our website will be active until Ukraine is free and safe.
Click here to see a livefeed of real news on russias invasion of Ukraine.

As well as our flood tools, Below a list of content from the IT Army of Ukraine's Telegram servers, various onlinesources and this GitHub repo. All info is kept in one place, don't hesitate to contribute to the repository, includingvarious files, or fork for backup reasons. If new content is contributed we think is useful we'll include it here.

          Select the current day (today) from below to help Ukraine by flooding Russian propaganda! Click here for more info..
          Don't forget to use a VPN, a Proxy or the ToR Browser!


Below are some popular choices for charity's that help Ukraine:

To see a bigger list with lots more charity's listed, Click Here

Below are the top three computer programs based on effectiveness that could be used to help Ukraine:

Below is a list of ways you can donate to help support Ukraine, These lists will automaticly scroll until the cursot enters.