Knitting for Ukraine
      We currently have five pickup locations. We're looking at adding even
        more locations as we recive more donations!

        Please address your package to: Knitting for Ukraine, and include a
        label with the item, wool type and the size of the item you're donating.
        We will also accept donations of new thermal clothing and socks,
        particularly mens thermal tops for frontline soldiers.

   Unit 2/15 Marjorie Ave,
   Shelley 6148
   WA, Australia
England (UK):
   33 Court Lanem,
   Erdington, Birmingham
   B23 6NS, UK
   921 Ford Street,
   Peterborough, Ontario
   K9J 5V2, Canada

   eMail for address:
 America (USA):
   421 S. Cedar St, Port Angeles,
   WA, 98362, USA
Items we require Instructions Infomation - Index